You’re a contractor who needs
You’re a contractor who needs to lease space for a field officeduring the five years of a construction project. The owner of thebuilding where you want to rent space offers you three leaseoptions. Each option assumes payment at the beginning of each year,and i=4% per year. which option would you chose?
A) First year annual rent of $12,000, with an increase of $2,500per year for each of the next four years
B) First year annual rent of $12,000, with an increase of 18%per year for each of the next four years
C) Constant rent of $16,900 per year for five years.
*please solve arithmetically and not with excel*
A) The present value of the first lease option = $12,0001.041+ $ 14,500
1.042+ $ 17,000
1.043+ $ 19,500
The present value of the first lease option= $56,726.15
B) The present value of the second lease option = $12,0001.041+ $ 14,160
1.042+ $ 16,708.80
1.043+ $ 19,716.38
The present value of the second lease option = $ 56,337.89
C) The present value of third lease option = $ 16,9001.041+ $ 16,900
1.042+ $ 16,900
1.043+ $ 16,900
1.044 +$ 16,900
The present value of third lease option = $ 75,235.80
The owner should choose the second lease option because it isthe cheapest lease option compared to the first and third leaseoption.
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