You drive your gasoline-powere
You drive your gasoline-powered car from San Marcos to Julian.Describe the distribution of gravitational, chemical, kinetic, andthermal energy at the beginning and end of the trip, and at somepoint during the drive.
When a car is running,different energy conversions and energy uses are continuously goingon from the beginning till the end of the run.
Gravitational – During therun, the car may have to climb up or down the roads due to thegeographical conditions. When the car is up a hill, it possesgravitational energy and when comes down and pick up the speed ,this gravitational energy is converted to the kineticenergy.
Chemical energy-During fuel combustion , chemical energy is beingconverted to the heat energy. Also when elctric energy is used ,that is the conversion of chemical energy from the battery of thecar.
Kinetic Energy. – Wheneverthe car is in motion , it is kinetic energy that is being used.Also any moving parts like the piston movement inside the engine,kinetic energy is being used.
Thermal Energy- During Fuelcombustion, chemical energy is converted into thermal energy. Alsothermal energy will get produced ,due to the relative motionbetween any moving parts and also the friction between the tyre andthe road