What is Gross Domestic Product
What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
Is the USA GDP growing now and at what rate?
What percentage is healthcare of the GDP in the USA? How doesthis compare with other developed countries and what are somepossible explanations for the difference? (You will need toresearch this on your own and report it here.)
Means of GDP :- GDP is the total value of everything produced byall the people and companies in the country. It doesn’t matter ifthey are citizens or foreign-owned companies. If they arelocatedwithin the country’s boundaries, the government counts theirproduction as GDP.
GDP analysis of USA:- The US economy advanced an annualized 2.5percent on quarter in the last three months of 2017, below anadvance reading of 2.6 percent and 3.2 percent in the previousperiod.
Percentage of Health care in GDP :- U.S. health care spendinggrew 4.3 percent in 2016, reaching $3.3 trillionor $10,348 perperson. As a share ofthe nation’s Gross Domestic Product, healthspending accounted for 17.9 percent.
Comparison of health care GDP of USA with other Countries:- Lifeexpectancy in the US is still lowerthan other developed countries,despite health funding increasing at a much faster pace.DonaldTrump ran on a campaign to repeal and replace the Affordable CareAct, popularly known as Obamacare, but discord among Republicanshas highlighted the political challenges faced with implementing ahealthcare system, much less trying to change it.With millionsstill uninsured and the financial burden of healthcare still quitehigh, the current US policy falls short of the WHO threshold.Thusfar, separate bills introduced in the House and the Senate wereestimated to see steep increases in the number of uninsured fromcurrent levels.