Today the United States has un
Today the United States has unemployed people who began ascyclically unemployed during the recession but have since becomestructurally unemployed because their skills have become obsolete.How important is the idea of remaining up-to-date on training andskills in the work force? Is there a certain industry that requiresskills to be current?
Businesses today do everything possible to stay competitive andmaintain a highly skilled, motivated staff. Despite of competitivejob market, employees often hesitate when it comes to search for anew job if they become unhappy with their current employer. Inorder to keep employees satisfied, boost morale, and remaincompetitive, employers need to be aware of the need for continualemployee training and education. Employee training not onlyprovides benefits to the individual, but also to the businesses.One of the most important reasons to offer further training andeducation to employees is to ensure that work skills stay current.Keeping employees up-to-date with software applications and ways toimprove efficiency are all necessary to compete with thecompetitors. Training is also an excellent way to retain the bestemployees.
Keeping our skills current is one of the most important way todo our job well and stay on top of changing demands of theworkplace. It also helps us to prepare for new opportunities and tokeep our job in a difficult economy. Learning new skills can bestimulating and motivating. In addition strengthening our skillshelp us to build confidence, stay flexible, more efficient andproductive, becoming more valuable to our employer, make a bigcontribution to the team, etc.
There are many industries that require skills to be current suchas Technology, Healthcare, Engineering, Biotech, Manufacturing,Construction, etc.