There are two parts to this as
There are two parts to this assignment: (350 words)
A. Explain Levy and Sidel’s statement, “War is the most seriousthreat to public health”.
B. In your opinion, if it is the most serious threat, why isn’tmore being done to protect populations from this public healththreat?
A. War is the most serious threat to public health. Thisstatement holds true as war not only brings economic crisis butalso many diseases along with it. Poor health conditions inmilitary camps leads to many health related problems. Improperhygiene, poor sanitation and food quality leads to diseases such ascholera, typhoid. Many people get injured during war which can leadto disability and handicapped. Use of nuclear weapons as seen inJapan can lead to devastating health issues. Nuclear weapons cancause genetic disorders which exhibits there effect till manygenerations. Poor hygienic conditions can lead breakdown ofdiseases which can also affect the normal population. Poor sexualpractices lead to HIV, syphilis.
Also unavailability of good medical services cause healthproblems.
B. Government has now started to understand that war leads toeconomic as well as health crisis and started to avoid wars as nuchas possible. But no serious health gaurding norma have been formedif in case of war. These health guarding norms are still lacking.People still need to understand about the health issues broughtdown by war. Proper medical services, insurances, hygiene andsanitation need to be implemented.