The patient is clammy, restles
The patient is clammy, restless, and cold with a blood sugar of30 from finger. Which is the nurse’s next priorityintervention?
– In 15 mins check blood sugar
– Check when the last insulin was provided
– Obtain vitals immediately
– Provide 15g of carbohydrates
As the patient is very clammy, restless, and cold and the bloodsugar value is very low that is 30 mg/ dl . This means that theindividual is suffering from High level of hypoglycemia . This is acondition that requires immediate medical attention . It can evencause death of the patient.
The normal blood glucose level is 126 mg/ dl
As the patient obtaine blood sugar level to be that low the nextand immediate thing to do is ti adminster immediate source ofglucose . So the next step to do is to administer 15 g ofcarbohydrates. It is an immediate source of energy . So this has toge administered immediately to raise the Blood sugar and save thelife of the patient . So Option d is the correct answer
Option a is wrong as blood sugar check after 15 min is not theatmost priority . It comes only after saving the life of thepatient
Option b is wrong as the insulin last provided does not matterat that movement . When the patient blood sugar gi to 30 the onlything to do immediately is adminster quick source of glucose
Option c is wrong as vital signs taking will come only aftermaintain in of blood glucose level to normal