Shortages of health care perso
Shortages of health care personnel in the long-term careindustry pose critical future challenges to the health care system.Review reasons for these shortages. Suggest government andinstitutional policy changes that might help attract more workersto this industry.
Reason for the shortages:
- Health care personnel are looking for high-wage jobs.
- The unfavorable condition in the labor market of long-term careindustry.
- Long-term policies increase the turnover of workers as itprotects the consumer more rather the workers.
- Needs continuous training for career growth anddevelopment.
- Immigration of low wage workers results in a shortage ofpersonnel in the long-term care industry.
- Increased stress and responsibilities decrease the jobsatisfaction.
- Local economic condition influence on increased turnoverrates.
Suggestions for governmental and institutional policychanges:
- Improve training requirements and career development.
- Provide favorable working condition with less stress and morejob satisfaction.
- Initiate policy to Plan work schedules and leaves as perworker’s wish.
- Develop benefits for the workers and pay fortransportation.
- Develop policies for increasing wages and benefits.
- Establish authority to workers to address the issues regardingwages, protection, and job security.