Question 111 pts The synthesis
The synthesis ofethanol by yeast may be summarized as:
lactate toacetaldehyde to ethanol
In glycolysis,glucose is converted into two 3-carbon molecules.
“Substrate-levelphosphorylation” refers to the synthesis of ATP by a mechanismother than oxidative phosphorylation
A thioester is ahigh-energy intermediate in metabolism.
In glycolysis,pyruvate kinase is used to synthesize pyruvate and ATP fromphosphoenolpyruvate.
Pyruvate is the endproduct of anaerobic glycolysis.
The conversion ofpyruvate to lactate in anaerobic glycolysis serves an importantrole in regenerating NAD+.
Pasteur effectdemonstrates the inhibition of glycolysis by oxygen.
Major fuel moleculescan be metabolized by the TCA cycle.
Biomolecules with athioester linkage have higher free energy than an esterlinkage.
Anapleurotic pathwayassociated with the TCA cycle is important for maintaining itsworking capacity.
Question number 11) False
During ethanol fermentation pathway, glucose is converted intopyruvate. Further, the enzyme pyruvate decarboxylase catalyses theconversion of pyruvate to acetaldehyde. Then acetaldehyde isconverted into ethanol catalyzed by the enzyme alcoholdehydrogenase.
Question number 12)
Answer: True
Glycolysis is a metabolic pathway of an organism in whichglucose will be converted into pyruvate in a sequence of reactions.Glucose consists of six carbon atoms and pyruvate is a three carboncompounds, hence, in glycolysis, glucose is converted into two3-carbon molecules.
Question number 13)
Answer: True
Substrate-level phosphorylation represents a metabolic reactionin which substrates having higher energies is converted into alower energy produce as a result ATP or GTP will be generated.
Question number 14)
Answer: True
Thioesters represent the most common intermediate formed in manyof the biosynthetic pathways. Some of the examples of thioestersare acetyl-CoA, malonyl-CoA etc. Thioesters has high free energywhich is almost similar to the reactants.
Question number 15)
Answer: True
This reaction constitutes the last step in the glycolysis, wherethe enzyme pyruvate kinase transfer one phosphate group fromphosphoenolpyruvate to adenosine diphosphate (ADP). This results inthe production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and pyruvate.
Question number 16)
Answer: False
Pyruvate is the end product of the aerobic glycolysis whereas inanaerobic glycolysis the pyruvate formed will be rapidly convertedinto lactate. Hence, the endproduct of anaerobic glycolysis islactate.
Question number 17)
Answer: True
The supply of NADH are limited and therefore the cell willrecycle NADH. Two NADH molecules are produced as a result of singleglycolysis pathway and these NADH molecules formed should beoxidized into NAD+ for the glycolysis process to continue. Thus,the conversion of pyruvate to lactate will oxidize NADH to formNAD+.
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