Pediatric Respiratory Case Stu
Pediatric Respiratory Case Study
A 7-year-old is being discharged after initial diagnosis andtreatment of acute asthma. You are the nurse caring for the patientwhom will be discharged in a day or two.
1. What signs or symptoms would you have expected to see in thispatient at the time of diagnosis? List the s/s.
2. What instructions would you give the patient/parent regardingthe peak expiratory flow meter and how to use it?
3. What medications are prescribed for the child with asthma?How do they work?
4. How will you respond when the child’s parents tell you theyplan to restrict him from physical education at school in order toprevent another attack? What physical exercises would you recommendto these parents?
5. What is the purpose of a spacer with the metered doseinhaler?
6. What is the overall goal of asthma management?
1)Some of the common signs and symptoms of asthma which can beexpected in this child are
- Wheezing
- Chest tightness
- Breathing difficulty
- Coughing
2)Peak expiratoryflow meter is a hand held devices for asthmatic patient to measurethe expiratory rate.Using it is very simple
The child has to be upright orstand up
- Encourage child to take a deep breath
- Hold the breath
- Place mouth piecein mouth
- Ask the child tobreath out
- Record thereading
Inform the parentsto record twice to thrice a day and whenever there is aattack
3)The drug to beadministered are
- Anti asthmaticdrug: these drug stops or prevent the trigger of asthma
- Bronchodialatordrug : this dilates the bronchus and increases the aircapacity
- Inhaler: this directly releases bronchospasm directly acting onthe lung
4)The parents canbe advised that the child can do minimal physical activity .Noheavy exercises like running, football to be encouraged.The childcan play all indoor games.
5)The spacer makes the child to breath easily provided themedicine being still in the spacer.It can prevent the deposition ofthis medicine in mouth or throat ,which may cause infection.
6)The overall goal is to avoid the trigger inducing asthma.
Long term exercises like breathing exercises, yoga can be taughtto the child.