Part A – Alterations of the Mu
Part A – Alterations of the MusculoskeletalSystem
What types of treatment options are available for people withMuscular Dystrophy? How do they differ from treatment options forthose affected by congenital bone defects? Are there similaritiesbetween the two sets of treatments?
Part B – Alterations of the IntegumentarySystem
A patient has made an appointment to visit the clinic you workat with a chief complaint of a “strange rash.” When the patientarrives for the appointment, what specific information about therash will you assess? Note detailed information about the signs andsymptoms you will look for.
Part A: Alterations of the musculoskeletsl system : MuscularDystrophy: it is a family of muscles diseases,is typically geneticin origin, affects the dystrophin protein, and it is charaacterizedby muscle weakness, death of muscle cells or tissues,for treatmentthere is no specific treatment that can cure it but aimed atsymptoms management.congenital bone defects it is also known as abirth defect, the defects may be mild to severe , the causes maygenetics, exposure to certain medications or chemicals or certaininfections during pregnancy treatment may be therapy , medication,surgery, assistive technology. the muscular dystrophy tretmentdiffer from congential bone defects are that muscualr dystrophy donot haveany treament bu congential has treatment, they are no suchsimilarities. Part B: Alteration in the intrgumentary system:toassess this rash the question are: how long the rash is seen?,where is the rash?, where did it start?, have you had contact withanyone has had a rash?, any past history os skin disorders? haveyou worn any new clothings recently? have you used any new soapsand cosmetics recently?.signs and symptoms we look for areitchiness, redness of skin, dry, scaly, formation of blisters,infection of the area where skin is ruputured, and also checckingwherther it is ulcer , redbumps, maculopapular, scaling, blisterformation.