in “everyday use” by alice walker, why does dee think maggie should not have the quilts?
Why does Dee think Maggie should not have quilts? – Why does Dee think that Maggie should not have the quilts? Dee says her mother doesn’t understand that the hand-stitched quilts are important and should be preserved.
What does Dee think Maggie will do with the quilts? – Dee says that the priceless quilts will be destroyed. Mama says that Maggie knows how to quilt and can make more.
How does Dee feel about the quilts? – A materialistic Dee sees the quilts as “priceless” (68) objects she can hang on her wall. Transfixed on her successful image and confidence, Dee desires things that make her seem connected to herself, even if that connection is falsified.
Why does the narrator refuse to give Dee the quilts she wants? – PART A: What prompts the narrator to refuse to give Dee the quilts she wants? A. She knows that Dee doesn’t want the quilts to remember her grandmother.
Why does the mother finally decide to give the quilts to Maggie instead of to Dee? – Why does the mother finally decide to give the quilts to Maggie instead of to Dee? She is touched by Maggie’s vulnerability and deep sense of family.
What makes the quilts valuable to Dee? – What makes the quilts valuable to Dee, and what makes them valuable to Maggie? Dee calls the quilts priceless, as she recognizes it as her heritage. for Maggie, the quilts are valuable for everyday use. she appreciates that they are the work of grandma Dee and big Dee, who taught her to quilt.
How does Dee believe the quilts should be treated? – In addition, Dee thinks that because the quilts her family has made are so precious they should be hung on walls, when the true reason the quilts were made was for everyday use. Mama and Maggie realize heritage is what their family has passed down to them, not what their name is or what they wear and how they dress.
What do quilts symbolize? – Thus, the quilt as a symbol in “Everyday Use” stands for the history and culture of African- American people. It also represents the dignity of black women, as a quilt is something creative to be proud of.
What do the quilts mean to Maggie? – When Mama gives the quilts the Maggie, she ensures that the family heritage will stay alive in the manner she prefers. By using the quilts and making her own when they wear out, Maggie will add to the family’s legacy, rather than distancing herself from it.
What motivates the narrator to give Maggie the quilts in Everyday Use? – What motivates the narrator to give Maggie the quilts? Maggie is more deserving then her sister.
What prompts the narrator to refuse to give Dee the quilts she wants quizlet? – In “Everyday Use,” what prompts the narrator’s actions to refuse to give Dee the quilts she wants? she realizes that Maggie never gets what she deserves.
What do the handmade quilts symbolize in Everyday Use? – It’s kind of a no-brainer to conclude that the quilts in “Everyday Use” symbolize family heritage. They were handmade by the narrator, her sister, and her mother, and they’re comprised of clothing worn by generations of family members.
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