Imagine you are a pediatric nu
Imagine you are a pediatric nurse. You have been providing carefor an infant with failure to thrive and a congenital heart defect.The infant will require multiple types of home medical monitoringequipment and a very expensive surgery to save his life. As thechild grows, he will need continued follow-up care and smallerpalliative surgeries to ensure his health. The family comes from astrict Amish community in which the elders of the community makeall final medical decisions. The parents want the medical team tosave their baby; however, they declined treatment because the Amishelders have decided that the community cannot endure the continuedcost associated with prolonged medical care. It is your job todischarge the family home, knowing the child will die at home.
1. What ethical issue is represented in this case study?(5 pts)
2. How does Amish culture shape the parents’ views ofdeath and dying? Cite at least one outside source you utilized tohelp you understand Amish culture. (10 pts)
3. Why could this be a difficult assignment for thenurse? (10 pts)
Important aspects of informed consent include ethicalobligations to promote autonomy, provide information, and avoidunethical forms of bias. Patients have the right to refuse medicaltherapies, whether on religious or other grounds, if they arecompetent to do so.
All patients should be involved in medical decision making tothe degree their capacity allows, irrespective of age.
In neonate, infant and children who can not give consent theirparent’s consent will be considerable.Children are persons who havenot attained the legal age for consent to treatments or procedures,that time necessary to obtained consent from parent orgaurgians.
ANSWER 2. AMISH culture have belief of death and dying totallydifferent.Amish believe in heaven and hell. However, unlike otherbranches of Christianity, the Amish believe that once a person hasdied, they’re no longer there. They are immediately with God in theafterlife.
they think that infant is already going to die .so its not inour hand it is all about god wish. So if any big health issueoccurs then they think it’s god punish them so they don’t taketreatment for a health issue and people die.
We know the Amish family culture from parents. they told thenurse about their rules culture about death and dying and abouttreatment.
I use some articles from the internet that help me to understandAmish culture and about death and dying.
This assignment is very difficult for nurse because one sidechild live his last moment and it could die if treatment can’thappen and otherwise Amish culture. and the nurse can’t avoid theculture of Amish because after all that child is Amish. So thissituation is very complex that what to do or not.
If the nurse does treatment and tells his parents so Shedisrespects Amish culture belief toward child. and if nurserespects Amish belief toward child than she can put the child in adangerous situation.