H2Se is structurally analogous
H2Se is structurally analogous to water, butcontaining an atom much lower in the oxygen family, the bondingbetween the H’s and the Se may involve dorbitals. Using the s, p, and d orbitals of Se asyour basis set, determine which orbitals would be involved increating MO’s for the molecule. Draw the MOenergy level diagram for the molecule and show the arrangement ofelectron in the MO’s.
Atomic Number of Selinium = 34,
Hence the elctronic configuration is[Ar]3d104s24p4 (EC of Ar =1s22s22p63s23p6)
Atomic number of Hydrogen = 1 and hence the electroniccongfiguration of H is 1s1
Here the Se is the central atom and it’s outer most shell (4)having 6 electrons, in which 4 electrons are paired (2 in 4s and 2in 4p) (Remember that, the d orbitals of Se will not involved inthe hybridization because it is fully filled orbital). Theremaining two electrons are unpaired. See the figure.
Now these 4 orbitals (2 paired atomic orbital 2 unpaired atomicorbitals) mix up (hybridization) to get 4 molecular orbitals andthe hybridization is sp3 hybridization (1 s and3 p orbitals), in which 2 orbitals are paired and 2 are unpaired.Two Hydrogen atoms can share their electrons to the unpairedmolecular orbitals to complete the pairing as shown in thefigure.
Additional Note: As mentioned above,4 sp3 hybridizedorbitals of Se contain 2 paired orbitals. There will be strongrepulsion between two paired orbitals. Hence structure ofH2Se is bend structure or shape (as in H2O)and the bond angle between hydrogen and selinium is97.7o.