Diversity : There are a number
Diversity : There are a number oforganizations––both for-profit and nonprofit––that consult withprivate business on diversity training. Research three suchorganizations on the Internet. Write one paragraph summarizing whateach organization has to offer.
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation
The ACLU is an equal opportunity employer. We value a diverseworkforce and an inclusive culture. The ACLU encouragesapplications from all qualified individuals without regard to race,color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity orexpression, age, national origin, marital status, citizenship,disability, veteran status, and record of arrest or conviction.
The ACLU undertakes affirmative action strategies in itsrecruitment and employment efforts to assure that persons withdisabilities have full opportunities for employment in allpositions.
Applicants are not required or expected to provide any currentsalary and compensation information, or salary history during anyphase of the recruitment process. Job candidates may provide salaryexpectations or request information regarding the salary for theposition(s) to which they are applying.
A digital platform powering offline action.
DoSomething.org is mobilizing young people inevery US area code and in 131 countries! Sign up for a volunteer,social change, or civic action campaign to make real-world impacton a cause you care about. You’ll team up with the DoSomethingmembers who have:
- Clothed half of America’s homeless youth
- Cleaned up 3.7 million cigarette butts
- Run the largest youth-led sports equipment drive
And more! You’ve got the power and the passion to transform yourcommunity — we’ll help you get it done.
Andrew Wommack Ministries
It is difficult to tell all we believe in 8 sentences, but wemake this statement of faith available to those who ask for one sothey will know we are Bible-believing Christians. Listening to ourteachings will give you much more information. We appreciate yourinterest in growing in the things of the Lord!
- We believe the Bible is inspired and empowered by God,infallible, and authoritative.
- We believe in one eternal God who exists as three separatepersons; the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin,lived a sinless life as He walked among men, demonstrated theauthority and power of God in works and speech, died on the cross,rose from the dead on the third day, and is now seated at the righthand of God having accomplished all that is necessary for man’ssalvation.
- We believe it is essential for man to repent of sin and byfaith receive the finished work of Christ by confessing Him as Lordwith his mouth and believing in his heart resulting in regenerationby the Holy Spirit.
- We believe the Holy Spirit is continuing the work He started atPentecost empowering believers to live a godly life and continue inall the works of Jesus.
- We believe in the imminent return of Jesus and that those whohave believed in Him will be resurrected to a heavenly dwelling inan incorruptible body, and those who do not believe will join Satanand his host in everlasting punishment.
- We believe the true Church is composed of all born-againbelievers in Christ, regardless of denominational affiliation.
- We believe all born-again believers have been commissioned toshare the complete Gospel to all the world.
Under Nassetta’s guidance, Hilton has launched an expansiveprogram to upgrade “back-of-house” areas used by staff to make themas spiffy as the areas guests use. As seen on a recent visit to theNew York Hilton Midtown, renovated employee spaces featured betterlighting and more comfortable furnishings, as well as an updatedcafeteria (free for most employees) with TVs and even massagechairs for folks on break. The company has also established a freeprogram enabling employees to earn their GEDs and formed HiltonUniversity where they can enroll in workshops and training.According to the Great Place to Work Institute, Hilton outperformswhen it comes to satisfaction among typically more disenfranchised“line-level” workers, such as cleaning and kitchen staff.
Inclusion pays at Salesforce, which has spent $8.7 million overthree years to address differences in pay across gender and race.As for wellness? The goals system, V2MOMs (Vision, Values, Methods,Obstacles, Measures), now includes well-being objectives alongsidemore traditional career mileposts; more than half the offices haveMindfulness Zones.
Wegmans Food Markets
Career Advancement in aisle 12: The booming family-owned grocerychain spends more than $50 million a year on training anddevelopment for its massive workforce, and is one of the fewgrocers to help defray school costs—this year it awarded $5 millionin tuition assistance. “It’s nice to work for a company that keepsgiving instead of taking away,” says one employee.
How do you achieve diversity? With data. A new chief diversityofficer monitors real-time data on the workforce, including payequity, time to promotion, and turnover, at this Bay Area financeand HR software provider. As of last year, all members of Workday’sexecutive team have access to diversity dashboards, which allowthem to understand the makeup of their teams. A bevy of awards,like 8,485 stock bonuses for meeting goals, helps motivate thetroops.
Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants
Employees at the boutique hotel and restaurant company describeits corporate culture as “thoughtful.” Those at every level areencouraged to create magical moments for guests (and are rewardedwith Kimpton Moment chips they can trade for prizes like paid daysoff and Apple Watches); management does the same for staff, withgestures like spa gift cards.
Calling all innovators! The IT company continues to find newways to engage its 37,000-plus employees.
Cisco emphasizes community, giving every employee 40 hours ofpaid time off per year to volunteer, and has won praise fordirectly addressing the Bay Area’s homelessness crisis via a $50million commitment to nonprofit Destination: Home.