Describe the range of techniqu
Describe the range of techniques that can be used to monitorhuman gene expression. Compare high-resolution techniques, used toanalyze individual genes and high-throughput techniques thatanalyze all human genes. (MIn 2 and a half pages)
1) DNA microarray-
- Microarray- based studies areuncovering broad patterns of genetic activity, providing newunderstanding of gene functions and transcriptional processe aswell as biological mechanisms.
- Microarray technology is a powerfultechnique used to compare differences in gene expression betweentwo mRNA samples.
- Comparing RNA prepared fromdiseased cells and normal cells can lead to the identification ofsets of genes that play key roles in diseases.
- Genes that are overexpressed orunderexpressed in the diseased cells often present excellenttargets for therapeutic drugs. The process uses microarray chips,prepared commercially, which comprise numerous wells, each of whichcontains an isolated gene.
- mRNA is extracted from the ‘normal’sample, and a fluorescent labeled cDNA probe is generated,representing all of the genes expressed in the referencesample.
- A second cDNA probe is generatedusing a different-colored fluorescent label and mRNA extracted fromthe ‘affected’ cells.
2) Quantitative real time rt PCR-
- Two-step quantitative real-timeRT-PCR (RT-qPCR), also known as real-time RT-PCR, kinetic RT-PCR,or quantitative fluorescent RT-PCR, has become the method of choicefor gene expression.
- It is a fast and convenient PCRmethod that combines traditional RT-PCR with the phenomenon offluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) using fluorogenicprimers.
- The detection of changes influorescence intensity during the reaction enables the user tofollow the PCR reaction in real time.