CASE # 3 (Crisis Planning at L
1. From a completely business or commercialstandpoint, accurate forecasting or prediction about anyorganizational crisis or predicament is evidently difficult whichessentially contributes to the difficulty of coming up with aneffective and well-formulated crisis management plan for any suchpotential predicaments. In this particular circumstance describedin the question, the financial, commercial, and internalorganizational crisis confronted by Livestrong Foundation ideallyconstitute an unforeseen crisis or trouble that emerges out from aninitial or earlier organizational or managerial stance on truestissue regarding the viability of its original founder. Themagnitude or extent of the commercial and financial aftermath ofsuch occurrence has been mostly unpredictable hence, any prioreffective crisis management planning or strategy becomespractically difficult in those challenging circumstances. Suchpredicaments are universally common in any business operationalpath in which the company or organizational management can frame ageneral overview of the common business crisis or troubles butaccurate and exact prediction or forecasting of thosecrisis/troubles is practically difficult and furthermore, gaging orexamining the actual extent or the magnitude of their impactsbecomes even more problematic. Therefore, all of these factorsevidently impact the entire crisis-management planning andimplementation process in any business organization or company.
2. Effective crisis communication andmitigation plan essentially involve a clear strengthening anddissemination of the core values and missions of any company orbusiness organization. With reference to the particular crisisfaced by the Livestrong Foundation in this case, it is veryimportant for the company or the organizational management tohighlight the core company philosophies and missions which arestrongly associated with providing necessary and vitality for thecancer patients, which is the core foundational objective of theorganization. Hence, the organization must emphasize on thepositive achievements and appreciations that it has gained in thepast in the course of striving to achieve its main organizationalgoals and objectives. The purpose of this strategical approach isto mitigate the extent of the ongoing crisis and furtherconsolidate public trust and belief which is extremely crucial asfar as effective crisis management is concerned. Hence, as part ofthe long-term crisis management plan or strategy, the key is toenhance and consolidate public trust and confidence which canimmensely enable the organization to mitigate the extent ormagnitude of any crisis or predicament as explained or demonstratedin this instance.
3. Now, considering the financial, commercial,and internal impacts of the particular crisis described here, it isimperative for Livestrong Foundation to initially analyze or assessthe actual magnitude or extent of the risk posed by the concernedcrisis and develop an efficient and trusted crisis management teamwho would be primarily responsible for the risk assessment andmonitoring and coming up with the particular plans or strategies toeffectively combat the crisis based on its severity and overallorganizational impact. in this context, crisis management cananalyze the potential economic risks and fatalities that can becaused by the disconcerting loss in marketing and advertisingsponsors and overall revenue level and subsequently construct aconvincing plan or strategy on how to recover the positive publicimage, impression, or reputation that might be jeopardized throughthe intensification of the ongoing crisis. In this regard, the teamhas to contemplate the various marketing or promotional sources andmediums such as public media broadcasters, social media sites andplatforms, and other related mediums to disseminate and highlightthe positive image or publicity about the organization as part ofthe crisis management strategy or plan. It is also important toprevent the contagious effect or further severity of the crisiswhich ideally construe reconsideration and restructuring of theinternal organizational policies and strategies by the management.Additionally, organization management should assign an efficientand trustworthy spokesperson to publicly address the effectivenessand sincerity with which the company has implemented variouscrisis-management plans and strategies and its potential efficacyin gaining back the potential commercial or economic success. Thiswould primarily generate a sense of trust and confidence in thepublic mind about organizational viability and efficiency.
4. Crisis management or mitigation planningbasically requires both the prevention of the external damages andinternal organizational damages caused by any concerned crisis orpredicament. The external damages practically pertain to thepossibility of a loss in public trust, confidence, and reputationas the crisis intensifies and jeopardize the commercial or economicposition of the concerned organization. Hence, it is extremelycrucial to incorporate the proper crisis management plan to restoreand maintain a positive public image amidst any organizationalcrisis or predicament as explained in part 3. of the question.Furthermore, it is equally imperative for any company ororganizational management to restrict any further contagion orintensification of the ongoing crisis through proper andappropriate internal management policy considerations and/ormodifications and their effective implementation or execution. Thisprocess essentially involves an intensive restructuring of theinternal organizational departments, changes in the company ororganizational strategies pertaining to the concerned or respectivedepartments, and mobilizing the existing workforce andorganizational resources to re-stabilize the internal operationalfunctioning of the organization.