After take a cup of the coffee
After take a cup of the coffee i feel my head weightis too high very uncomfortable feeling. hyper sensitivity. head topis not feel when touch.
what reason? i am magrine patient. caffine is bad formagrine. but i use coffee when i am 10 year old now 22.
Answer: Coffee can perform dual function. It can relieve aperson from headache or can contribute for a cause of headache!Coffee has a substance called caffeine that act as avaso-constricter, this means that, it decreases the diameter of theblood vessels which increaes the blood pressure and by doing so,flow of blood improves in body. When adequate amount of bloodreaches to brain, it relieves a person’s head ache.
However, caffeine can be a potential cause of headache in thosepeople who consumes excessive coffee and recently have cut downtheir coffee usage. So, in such conditions, withdrawl syndromecauses one’s head to ache badly. As mentioned above, head weighsheavy! This happens when insuffiecient blood reaches your brain. Ifa habitual coffee drinking person eventually cuts down theirconsumption, it would cause sudden vasodilation and due to lowblood pressure, head seems to feel heavy with profuse painingsensation.
But, one can prevent this from happening if a person does notmake their body resistant for the consumption of over 8 cups ofcoffee a day. Average daily requirement to sustain good healthalong with coffee consumption should not exceed 5 cups a day. Onemust not consume anything in excess!