2. Steve Shell has brought in
2. Steve Shell has brought in his 9-month-daughter Emily for herwellness examination and immunizations. Steve is a single fatherraising his daughter after Emily’s mother was killed in a motorvehicle accident (MVA). Steve is doing a great job of raising Emilyby himself, but he still has some concerns about his abilities as afather. He has several questions for the nurse practitioner. Thenurse practitioner’s examination of Emily is unremarkable and sheis growing and developing as expected. (Learning Objectives 6 and7)
a. What should the nurse practitioner include when teachingSteve about promoting healthy eating habits and appropriate sleepand rest?
b. What can the nurse practitioner offer Steve regardingpromoting appropriate discipline with Emily?
c. Since Steve is a single parent and sole income earner, he isrequired to place Emily in day care while he is at work. Steve isconcerned about the effects of day care on Emily’s development.What can the nurse practitioner teach Steve about child care?
a Healthy eating habits is necessary to protect oneself fromlifestyle diseases.Time management is the key to successful healthyeating habits.Try to avoid junk foods as much as possible and makemost of the food at home ,involving Emily as it helps in improvingthe bond and will be a fun filled experience for the child.
Sleep plays a crucial role in Steves as well as in Emilylife.For Emily developing adequate sleep pattern is necessary toimprove physical,emotional and cognitive development.Therefore itis necessary that a bedtime is set .Relaxation hour should be setup before bedtime with no electronic gadgets.Being a single parentbed time is essential for Steve ,so he should use that time bytaking a soothing bath ,listening to music or read a good book.
b Effective discipline requires positive attention and goodrelationships.Disciplining is more than just merely punishing ,itis also related with nurturingand encouraging good behaviour.Thekey is to understand what motivates and excites your child.
c Rearing a smalll child is not an easy tasj.Therefore some formof child assistance is necessary.it can be in any forms supportgroups,family members and even friends.Managing kids singlehandedly and holding down a full-time job can be quiteexhausting.it is all a part of parenting.Day care assistance willhelp Steve to relieve the painful feelings and invest time andenergy in relatationships to boost your egoIt will also help incontinuing jobs and get a good income.