1.suppose that a popoulation o
1.suppose that a popoulation of palnts there is a wide range offlower size. a few palnts produce flowers that only 1 cm wide.a fewproduce flowers that 6cm size, and most produce flowers that are3-4 cm size. sketch the graph that shows one way that you couldpresent this information clearly.imagine that there is only speciesof insect living in this area that is small enough to pollinate th1 cm wide flowers, and that these flowers can not reproduce seedsunless pollinated. that one species of insect become extinct.describe consequence in term of evolution of this population ofplants.
2.explain one way in which ceitain bacteria benefic nearly allother living orangnism.
The flowers of 1 cm wider flowerplants are pollinated by the particular insect species. If theinsect species become extinct then pollination will not bepollinated. Now there will be no seed formation in these plants.So, the 1 cm wider flower plants can’t survive for the nextgeneration and they become extinct. The remaining plants maysurvive for the next generation but there is a loss of geneticdiversity which may lead to the extinction of remaining plants infuture.
2. Bacteria are not alwayspathogenic, sometimes they may be beneficial for living organism.There are ample examples of symbiotic bacteria in our surroundings.Rhizobium, a symbiotic bacteria lives in the root nodulesof leguminous plant. The bacteria fix nitrogen from atmosphere andsupply it to the plant. The plant gives it food and shelter.
The hind gut of human containsE. coli, a bacteria that produces vitamin K and vitamin Bcomplex. Both the vitamins are necessary vitamins for human health.In return, the bacteria gets food and shelter in the humanbody.