1. Define each of the levels o
1. Define each of the levels of measurement in detail (what arethe characteristics of each) in order, giving an example for each.Explain how your choice is an example of the scale level.
2. Why is the combination of the measures of central tendencyand measures of variation so informative about a data set. Explainhow they work together to provide a complete picture.
There are four types of level ofmeasurements as written below:
1. Nominal – The categorical orclassified data has Nominal level of measurement. For example:Gender(Male or Female), Hair Color(Brown, Black, Gray, Other),Religion(Christianity, Islam, Buddhist, Hinduism, Sikhism, Other) .Measure of central tendency for this type of data is mode.
2. Ordinal – The data which hasranking in itself is follows ordinal level of measurement. Forexample: Level of Education(School, Graduation, Post-Graduation,Phd, other) here we have four categories of education. In this casewe know that Graduation is better than School, Post-Graduation isbetter than Graduation, and Phd is better than Post-Graduation butwe cannot say how better they are with each other. Hence, they canbe represented as an “order” whether decreasing order or increasingorder. Measure of central tendency for this type of data is eithermode or median but it can never be the mean.
3. Interval – The data which hasranking in itself with known differences between the values can bemeasured has interval level of measurement. For example:Temperature can be represented as 2 degree Celsius, 3 degreeCelsius, and 5 degree Celsius. Here the difference between eachtemperature level and its consecutive level is equal. The mostimportant thing about this data is if it includes the zero levelbut does not refer to the absence of it. For example: Zero degreeCelsius has some physical meaning. Measure of central tendency forthis type of data can be mean, median, and mode.
4. Ratio – The data which followsall the property of all the data types including the zero means theabsence follows ratio level of measurement. For example: You have$5, $10, etc. in your purse it represents Ratio Data because if youremove all the dollar amounts from your purse it means you havezero dollars, which implies the absence of cash.
The combination of the measures ofcentral tendency and measures of variation are very informativeabout a data set because using these two measurements we canunderstand the average value around which all the values are lyingand the distance of all values from that average on an average.
Good luck with yourstudies!!!